Strange Company`s Director, Hugh Hancock, died in 2018. Strange Company is no longer a registered Company. This site is part of his body of work, and as such it is hosted and maintained by a group of volunteers and as an archive of his work. A comprehensive list of the works being archived can be found here. If you have any problems with the site, please report them using this form.

Part 2 of Carcosa, my occult mystery webcomic, released!

In the second part of Carcosa, secrets are revealed. Some of Ailsa’s secrets - our obsessive, apparently monied heroine - and some of the secrets of Carcosa itself.


You can read the second part now:

Read from where we left off last time »

Read from the very beginning »

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

And if you are enjoying it, please do share it on Social Media! Here’s a link to the Twitter post about it and the Facebook post