Strange Company`s Director, Hugh Hancock, died in 2018. Strange Company is no longer a registered Company. This site is part of his body of work, and as such it is hosted and maintained by a group of volunteers and as an archive of his work. A comprehensive list of the works being archived can be found here. If you have any problems with the site, please report them using this form.

Roundup of Hugh’s posts on DKLS from around the web

Hey, everyone!

So, it’s been a pretty crazy few weeks, as Death Knight Love Story finally went live after years of development.

And you might have been surprised about how quiet it’s been here on Strange Company. But the reason is that I’ve been running around frantically blogging about DKLS all over the Web!

So, here’s a quick round-up of all the posts I’ve made about DKLS, from the way we made the music to the reasons for making films in a virtual world at all…

I’m Hugh Hancock. I came up with the word “Machinima”, founded, and just released a Machinima movie starring Brian Blessed and Joanna Lumley. AMA! : IAmA at

How I Cast Brian Blessed, Joanna Lumley and Jack Davenport in my fantasy short, Guest Blog by Hugh Hancock | Make Film Teach Film

Minecraft, The Sims, And The Future Of Filmmaking - Charlie’s Diary

How I Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love Focus Groups - Charlie’s Diary

A Virtual Filmmaking Primer - Charlie’s Diary

Why Make A Movie Within A Computer Game? - Charlie’s Diary

Introducing … Death Knight Love Story, evolution of Machinima - Charlie’s Diary

How To Survive A Death March - Charlie’s Diary

Tobold’s Blog: Guest Post: How do MMOs reach $200m budgets?

The Music of Death Knight Lovestory (A Guest Post by Hugh Hancock) - MMO Gypsy – Wandering online Worlds

How to take Awesome Screenshots, Part 1: Through the Lens – orcish army knife

Historical European Martial Arts And Sword-Fighting in Death Knight Love Story (DKLS Site)

Motion Capture In Death Knight Love Story Movie (DKLS Site)

Taking Naxxramas and More From WoW to Movie: Death Knight Love Story (DKLS Site)

How We Used Machinima Techniques in WoW to make DKLS (DKLS Site)